Typescript GitBlog
Making a Beautiful Readme
22.01.20222 Min Read — In technology

What is a Readme?

Readme.md is a file created with markdown where you can write a long description about you and your projects. as a new feature in github, when you create a readme to your profile, it is appearing in your profile page in Github.

Creating a Readme to yourself in Github

To start creating a readme for yourself, follow the below steps.

  1. Creating a new repo

when you are creating a repo for yourself, remember to name it using your Username. As a example if your username is RedEdge967, you must create a repo called RedEdge967.

  1. Adding a Readme.MD file

Then click create new file in the repo and name it as Readme.MD. now the readme file is created.

  1. Writing in Readme

When you are writing in the readme, you must write it in Markdown(md). markdown is not very hard. it is similar to normal txt file. and you can use html5 inside markdown code also. so start writing about you in the readme.

  1. Adding images, videos, emojis and etc.

if you want to add any images, videos or emojis read below instructions

Adding images and videos

  • if you want to add images, go to the bottom part of the readme in github, and there you can see a bar called Attach files by dragging & fropping, selecting ot pasting them. Now if you want to use a image or a video, click that bar and choose your image or video.

Image code looks like this

![image name](image link)

Video code looks like this

![video name](video link)

when using videos, remember to keep at least 3 rules up and below the video code

Adding emojis

  • If you want to use emojis in readme, type markdown emoji cheetsheet in any seach engine and go to any realted website.

Emoji code looks like this

:point_right: 👉
  1. Showcase your talents in readme
  2. You can use the below codes to showcase your achievements, trophies, metrics and etc.

Github Trophies


Github profile details


Most used languages


Github metrics

  • You can go to https://metrics.lecoq.io to make your own metrics and copy the markdown code and paste it in your readme

And that's all for today! Thank you for reading this post. Have a nice day!!!👋

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Last build: 02.02.2022